Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby Minds

Key developmental windows in young children:

1. Social Attachment (0 - 18 months):
**Without positive social experiences during babies first eighteen months, the ability to develop secure, trusting relationships becomes much less likely. 

2. Motor Skills (prenatal - 4 years):

3. Speech and Vocabulary (0 - 3 years):
**The more language baby hears, the larger his vocabulary will be throughout his childhood. It is language spoken directly to a child during this language learning period that is most effective in building strong circuitry to support vocabulary growth and proficient language skills. 

4. Math and Logic (1 - 4 years):
**Stacking blocks and knocking them down, stringing wooden beads onto a piece of yarn, or counting a row of raisins before eating them one by one are all experiences that help a child become a skilled mathematical and logical thinker. 

5. Music (3 - 12 years):
** Some researchers suspect that the optimal window for learning to play an instruments begins to close around then to twelve years. 

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